He Watches Me by Tammy Nicole Glover

He Watches Me by Tammy Nicole Glover

“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” Matthew 6:26 KJV

I woke up this morning at four o’clock. It seemed to be for no other reason than my bladder holding me hostage from sleep. I dragged myself to the bathroom and my mind immediately started to flood with worries. I could feel my chest tighten and my breathing become labored. Anxiety was rearing its ugly head. I took a few breaths and told anxiety, “not today, in the name of Jesus.” Outside, I could hear birds chirping away. The sun wasn’t even up yet but they seemed to be singing praises to God.

I remembered just three years ago, waking up at 4am. Instead of hearing birds chirping, I heard satan’s lies. Overcome with depression and anxiety, all I could hear was, “you’ll never get out of this situation. You would be better off dead.”

I was so deep in sin and so far away from God, it was easy to believe the lies. At that point, I thought God hated me. I believed if I died, I would be in peace. Mercifully, God was still watching me. One day, I heard His voice telling me to repent and be baptized in His name. There is no peace apart from Jesus. I realized He still loved me.

Love isn’t seeing someone walking towards the edge of a cliff and looking the other direction because that’s what they want, and it seems to make them happy. I was at the edge of a cliff. I thought falling off would make me happy. Instead of looking the other direction, Jesus called me, and I answered.

Now today, at four in the morning, satan is still trying to convince me to kill myself, but this time, spiritually. The difference this morning, is I’m baptized in the name of Jesus, filled with His Spirit and I have a heart to serve Him and be Holy. This morning, the still small voice of Jesus inside me is louder than the enemy’s. I clearly hear Jesus saying, “I am in the midst of you, daughter. Abide in me and I will abide in you. Apart from me, you can do nothing, but in me nothing is impossible.”

God’s eye is indeed on the sparrow. I know He not only watches me, but He is in me. I hear the birds praising God in the darkness and I’m praising along with them.

What Time I Am Afraid by Tammy Nicole Glover

What Time I Am Afraid by Tammy Nicole Glover

“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3 KJV

You told me to follow You and I galloped towards Your outstretched hand. I was sure I would land on my feet, but instead, I fell on my back. I looked up and was surrounded by darkness. It was no ordinary darkness. It was suffocating. I couldn’t even see my hand lifted in front of my face. The pain was excruciating. My whole body hurt. It hurt to even cry, yet I couldn’t control my tears. “

What did I do wrong, Lord? You told me to follow You and I did. Why didn’t You catch me? Why am I blind?”

I hear you whisper, “trust me.”

“Trust You,” I say. “I trusted You but fell. I’m in pain…in the dark…alone.”

“I Am with you,” You say.


“Who or what else do you have to trust,” You ask.

I think about it for a moment. It’s true. I have no one else but God. He is the only one that even knows where I am. He created the path I’m on. His way is perfect. He is perfect. I am only the created thing. I can’t even fathom the Creator’s simplest thoughts.

I take a deep breath and brace myself for the pain of getting back up. My body is broken, so I can no longer gallop. I can only limp towards His voice. However, as I keep moving forward, I feel strength returning to my legs.

“Keep going,” He says. “You’re almost there.”

I find myself limping a little less.

“I know the plans I have for you,” He says. “All of this is working for your good. Don’t be discouraged or afraid, but be strong and courageous.”

I look down, and His words begin to light my path. I keep moving even though I don’t understand. My God, I can finally see the sunlight up ahead. As I step into the light, I realize I’m not the same.

“I had to make you stronger for the task ahead. You were not ready,” He says. “I had to keep you in the dark because if you were able to see the enemy surrounding you, you would have surely fainted.”

“Wait, that wasn’t the task? There’s more to do?”

“Look up,” He said.

I look up to see a great mountain before me. I gulp and wipe the sweat off my brow.

“As long as You’re with me, Lord, I will trust You.”

The Wait is Almost Over

The Wait is Almost Over

Shadows, the 3rd season of Balm for the Soul with Tammy Nicole Glover, premieres Monday, 1/31/22. https://anchor.fm/tammy-glover

Episodes now available on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and iHeart Radio.

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/balm-for-the-soul-with-tammy-nicole-glover/id1600341532

Amazon Music: https://q4k0kx5j.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fmusic.amazon.com%2Fpodcasts%2F6fb6732f-00bf-4037-9fef-65ad41adee5f/1/0100017dbbec745b-859aa40a-3d96-402f-8066-9128ef083e9c-000000/6u6Oe9DCV-tqsqHiYJitiA-eSdM=248

iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/91897457/

My Story from A to Z by Tammy Nicole Glover

My Story from A to Z by Tammy Nicole Glover

Apple of His eye

Before I was formed in my mother’s womb.

Chosen to be His daughter

Destined to serve in His kingdom

Even though He knew I would turn my back on Him.

Fighting to go my own way

Giving in to the lusts of my flesh

Hope faded.

Indescribable pain took residence in my heart

Jeopardizing my eternity.

Keeping my sins hidden left me exhausted

Longing for death, but still longing to be loved.

Moving further away from Light

Not wanting to be seen or heard.

Opening myself to more depression

Purposefully cutting myself off from life.

Questioning, why am I here

Remembering a blessed life with Christ.

Safety, I want to feel safe in His arms again.

Tortured by my past sins, I fear I will never be able to return to Him.

Used and abused by the demons that held me captive


What can I do to escape? I weep and He hears my silent cries

X-ray vision probe my heart. Seeing a heart marred with scars and infested wounds

You, Lord, know how to clean and heal me. I return to You, my Rescuer, my Savior.

Zealously, I will follow You.

I’m Still His (Revised) By Tammy Nicole Glover

I’m Still His (Revised) By Tammy Nicole Glover

As read on Balm for the Soul with Tammy Nicole Glover podcast.

When they said I was worthless because my skin wasn't light enough, my hair wasn't long enough
And my face not pretty enough
I was still His.

Though they laughed at me when I dared to expose my dreams and said I was crazy
I was still His.

When I was scared, mistreated and overwhelmed
And when the pain and loneliness made it difficult to breathe
I was still His.

When my pride took over and I thought I could do life on my own
When I tried to ignore His voice and searched for what I thought was better
I was still His.

There's no more denying the truth.
I have been the liar, He is the truth.
There's no where to run or hide.
I was His before I was formed in the womb.
Now, there is only the decision to either remain in Him or to be lost in the darkness.

I decided to remain in Him.
To accept and follow His commands.
To trust completely in His ways.
To stay humble before Him and grateful for His mercy.

He owes me nothing and I owe Him everything.
I am completely His
A daughter of the Most High God whose name is Jesus.

Season 2 Premiere Episode, Neither Seen, Nor Heard

Season 2 Premiere Episode, Neither Seen, Nor Heard

Season 2 of Balm for the Soul with Tammy Nicole Glover podcast is finally here. You can listen to the all new episode, Neither Seen, Nor Heard on:

Anchor: https://anchor.fm/tammy-glover/episodes/Neither-Seen–Nor-Heard-e18391e.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4YhmDdaQR0dE8mKenFgruq?si=UMgirqTzSxWnsqWQtI-YnQ&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1

Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy81YTg3NDA3NC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/NDI1YTNmYTItNDZkNi00Njc0LTk2ZmQtZTg0MDVjNjRlZTkz?ep=14